How To Become Inspired To Declutter

Two months ago I bought a stack of moving boxes. "I will return the ones I don't fill," I said.        I went around packing up all sorts of things that were cluttering the spaces of my home. In a day I returned to the store, to buy more boxes, and I filled all those boxes too. Husband expressed concern about all the boxes now sitting in the garage."That's a problem for future Shannon, " I said,  smug with my brilliant plan.

Now Future Me is simply Present Me, and I am annoyed at Past Me for procrastinating. I have been uninspired to complete the task, it is hot and muggy and my energy feels low for this kind of work.  Until I sat down and told myself that I must not leave this chair I sit in until I publish a new post on this blog. Now I am completely inspired to declutter all the things, to vacuum under the bed and organize the shoe closet. To rid the garage of every box of random USB cords and rid the sliding door of fingerprints. I hear that spot on the carpet in River's room calling to be scrubbed, the dried out lime at the bottom to the produce drawer must be removed right now! And the toddler spoon at the bottom of the dishwasher (that has been washed with every load for no less than 4 months) should probably be put away too. 

So how do you become inspired to declutter?

1) Sit down and tell yourself you can not leave this spot until you create something.

And if you are me, then all the things you have put off, all the tactile jobs that you've been saving for later, they might just come rushing to your conscious mind as the most important job to do now. So that energy you feel, just remember it and when you have finished the art in front of you, you can clean all the things.

And now I am finished with this post and I do feel ready tackle those boxes, and the lime.