Train Tracks
I found these train tracks on a sabbath. I have not traveled them and I have not seen where they end. But I am certain, if I followed them they would guide me somewhere. For decades I have kept most of my writing secret. In some ways I have sat at the side of some tracks like these, wondering where my words would lead, a fear of not being an expert traveler cementing me to the ground.
Now I am getting up, and walking, slow deliberate baby steps, the kind that wobble and stumble. But in the stumbling I will learn, and on the tracks of this little space I am setting out to see where all the words will lead. Sometimes it is time (or long past time) to acknowledge Fear's presence. Ask her what she is trying to protect you from and listen. Then thank her for what she was trying to do, but explain that you are moving on, and if she must, she can join you, but let her know, that today Curiosity will be leading the way. If fear is a sticky companion, then let her come along, but don't let her keep you from starting your trek.
“He renews me life; He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake”