Ode to Age
Do not apologize for
Greying hair
For laughlines
For fading sight.
Do not apologize for
The unstable gait
For hands that shake
For feet that dance a little slower
For ears that hear less clear.
I forbid apology
For the years you wear with grace
For every line etching glory in your body
For the wisdom in your face
For the song that sings from the deepest megaphone within you
That shouts
I lived!
I Lived!
You will not apologize for who you are
Fierce, Wonderful Woman
A hundred generations born in your womb
Fear calmer
Tear holder
Peace giver
Hope lover.
You do not fade.
You live both whole and scattered
At once here
At once everywhere
in a thousand lives you touched across this earth.
Do not apologize for
Do not apologize,
shannon johnston