The Present Five

The following is a list of five (or so) things that are bringing life to me in my present season.

1) Savior of the Nations, Come by Cardiphonia. As soon as I heard it I wanted to listen again and again. And I have (sorry family!).

2) Collagen in my morning coffee, I use this kind. I add a few scoops to my coffee along with some coconut oil and Kerrygold butter and blend it before drinking. Do you have those little routines, that if missed change the direction of your course fairly quickly? This is one of mine, skipping it generally leads to less manageable cravings for sugars, and then consuming excess processed carbohydrates leads to higher anxiety… can you begin to see an unhelpful cycle?


3) White lights on my Christmas tree. Every time I look at the green tree wrapped in white lights I feel inner tension unfold. (Please note the lovely fire ‘burning’ on the tv, #classychristmas)

4)Going rug-less in my living room. I hated my rug, but felt obligated to have some kind of rug on my floor. Then I read this great book and felt the permission to opt for zero rug until I find one that belongs in the space. I am learning that it is better to sit in an empty space than to fill it with stuff I don’t like. And guess what? Removing a rug and experiencing the relief in the quiet emptiness it left behind is inspiring  my curiosity about rhythms in my life and schedule that may just be ‘ugly rugs’ holding space because I am afraid to experience an empty stillness. 

5) The Calm APP. Seriously, this app is used by multiple people in my family each day.  Guided meditations are so grounding for me, and this particular meditation app is my favorite of the several I have tried (like Headspace and Mediation Studio). My children love the sleep stories that are included!

6) Roasting things over an outside fire. I get to experience one of my favorite parts of camping minus all the effort to get to the State Park.

7) Moments by Mary Oliver. 

What are the little or large thing that you find grounding or life giving in this season? I would love to hear them!